Chief Executive Officer
Teach For Malaysia
Soon Seng is the CEO of Teach For Malaysia. He joined the inaugural Teach For Malaysia Cohort in 2012, and like many other Fellows and Alumni, the experience had a profound impact on his worldview. As a teacher in a low-income community, he was deeply moved by the challenges his students faced, and how it was the lack of opportunities, rather than the lack of ability, that typically prevented students from realising their potential.
He holds a degree in Management and Marketing (Murdoch University) and a Post-Graduate Diploma in Education (Universiti Utara Malaysia). In 2020 he was appointed a member of the Teacher Professionalism Special Taskforce under the National Education Advisory Council 2018-2020.
He envisions a holistic education system that not only develops students' academics, but also their social, emotional, physical, spiritual, and leadership skills, in order to thrive in the 21st century.