The Cooler Earth is CIMB’s inaugural platform to inspire business leaders, financiers, investors, policy- and decision- makers to change the paradigm of business and finance, and our way of life. Our goal is also to encourage participants to embrace sustainability and take action towards shaping a more responsible society and a less sweltering planet (hence "Cooler").
The Cooler Earth motif has adapted its colours from Climate Stripes, a visualisation of rising temperature from cool (blue) to warm (red), reflecting how it threatens ecosystems, including our social and economic fabric. In our motif, the red stripes, reflecting the current scenario, slowly transform back to blue, which is and should be the collective responsibility and mission of humankind and every effort on sustainability including this Summit.
In 2019, CIMB convened global experts and local champions to not just dialogue, but motivate collective and collaborative action, mobilise resources, finance, and the political will to counter environmental degradation, social inequity, and economic depression.